Thursday, March 12, 2015

Santander and Deutsche Bank fail US 'stress tests'

Wall St
Santander and Deutsche Bank have failed a US "stress test" designed to assess whether lenders can withstand another financial crisis.
The review, carried out by the Federal Reserve, gauges whether the biggest banks operating in the US have the "ability to lend to households and businesses even in times of stress".

Clothes retailers accused of labour abuses in Cambodia

Workers in a small, unmarked subcontractor factory in Cambodia

The worst abuses were reported in smaller subcontractor factories, says Human Rights Watch
Several High Street and high-end fashion brands have been implicated in a report on labour abuses in Cambodia.
Human Rights Watch says it has uncovered alleged abuses at Cambodian garment factories that supply Marks & Spencer, Gap, H&M, Adidas and Armani.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tanzania albinos: 32 witchdoctors held in anti-murder drive

Albino children take a break in a recreational hall at the Mitindo Primary School for the blind, which has become a rare sanctuary for albino children. 25 January 2009
Albinism affects around one in every 1,400 Tanzanians

Tanzanian police have arrested 32 witchdoctors in the north-western Geita region as part of efforts to halt the killings of albinos.
On Thursday, four people were sentenced to death for the 2008 murder of an albino woman in the same area.
The government outlawed witchdoctors in January as part of a campaign to halt the killings.
Witchdoctors believe the body parts of albinos have special powers, bringing success and good luck.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Learn about network marketing(multi-level marketing)

for more information please contact me on +255755037227 or jonesfelis@gmail,com or facebook and twitter using Felix Jones

Monday, March 2, 2015

Get Three things towards success..!!

As I dressed up to go out this morning, I am once again reminded of how personal and private this race called life is.

I got into my car, drove out, and joined the road where other cars are already travelling on.

Nakupa Habari: Many South Sudan boys 'kidnapped to be child soldi...

Nakupa Habari: Many South Sudan boys 'kidnapped to be child soldi...: The UN believes 12,000 children were used as child soldiers across South Sudan last year Hundreds of boys in South Sudan have been kidnap...

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